For those who like to live on
Laughter's Edge!!

Good Pranks are tried and tested hoaxes, practical jokes and tricks that have been played on friends and family alike! Some pranks create great laughs all around, others well... a blushing face on the part of the prankster! Want to pull some good pranks on friends? You can't go wrong with these prank ideas.

We share THE WORLD'S TOP 10 PRANKS in every category!
When you play pranks be prepared to replace if you damage anything and use common sense to avoid injury and harm to people, animals and your own name!

The TOP 10 List of the best pranks in all categories below!


The Top 10 Good Pranks in All Categories!

Important Reminder: Make sure you can handle the consequences if you use the following "good pranks" we won't be held responsible for your doings - take responsibility for your own actions and remedy a situation when necessary!

KIDS if you want to play good pranks, get an adult with sound judgement involved, don't get into trouble, pranks can quickly turn into a form of bullying, and don't be disrespectful!! Looking for the best funny pranks for kids to play on people?

View Our Best Harmless Pranks For Kids Here.


April Fools Day Pranks

  1. MESSAGE - Change your phone message on April Fools' Day: record your voice saying "Hello. (pause) Hello? (another pause) Is anyone there??" After another pause, finish it up with "APRIL FOOL!"
  2. PALMS DOWN - Tell a friend that you know a great trick. Put your hand palm-down on the table and balance a full glass of liquid) on the back of your hand. Bet your friend that they can’t balance a glass on both hands at once (help your friend to put them in place). As soon as you have the glasses balanced on the prospect's hands, stand up and walk out. They will be trapped and will have to spill to escape.
  3. BOILED - Take the eggs from someone’s refrigerator and hard-boil them. Then put them back where you found them. Can work well when camping, only do a few if you want breakfast!
  4. SNAKE! - All you need is a rubber snake and some fishing line. Tie the fishing line around the snake and then attach the other end of the line to the inside of a cupboard or anything that opens and closes. Set it up so that when they open the door/cupboard, the snake will jump out. Or simply set it up to drag across the lounge floor while everyone is watching TV!
  5. WEIGHT ISSUE - If you can get the exact same clothes as the target except get them a size smaller - Swap with the original! Another favorite is to cut the cotton of the back seam in someone's jeans a few times for split pants! Be prepared to replace or FIX, though!
  6. OH DEAR - Fold the flat sheet on the bed double and tuck in securely on the sides, when the person gets into bed they can't go further than half way!
  7. SPRAY - Stick some duct tape on the nozzle of a kitchen sink or bathroom tap - leave a little gap towards the front where someone will stand! Old, but it works every time!
  8. DUAL REMOTE - Spend the money to get a second matching or dual remote. Change channels while they are watching. The secret to this prank is to not overuse it. If you use it in small doses, you can carry this one on for months, not just on April Fools' Day.
  9. FAKE CAKE - Take a round car-washing sponge, or a piece of craft foam, and decorate it with cake frosting, sprinkles, etc. Then try not to laugh when the victim struggles to cut themselves some cake. This one gets 5 STARS for Good Pranks!
  10. EGGS - Try this prank on someone who drinks Guinness or any other beer that is difficult to see through. All you have to do is crack open an egg (only the yellow part) and drop it in their drink when they aren't paying attention. Last sip... Thought these were Good PRANKS? We feel sick... enough said.


Try this fun washi tape prank on someone's laptop in the office or at home!


April Fool's Office Jokes

  1. IMPORTANT MESSAGE - Great if you know someone in Sales. Leave a message at reception for the Sales Person to phone Mr Elli Fante (for say $1 Mil Life Cover or whatever it is they are selling) and give the contact number of your Local Zoo. You can also use Mr Leon Cubb, Mr Gerry Jeraaf or make up your own fake animal prospect! The secret is to make the name non-suspect when you read it, but when it is said out loud it's a different story! Make sure you watch while they make the call! Good Pranks gives this one 5 STARS!
  2. PARDON, CAN'T HEAR YOU - Works well with someone that speaks on their Office Telephone a lot. Place a small piece of clear tape over the speaker part of the handset. Watch how your friend gets seriously annoyed with the phone and the people on the other end! Add some extra office noise! For more fun, remove the tape for a while, then stick it back - continue this on and off throughout the day!
  3. OUT OF SERVICE - Put "OUT OF SERVICE WORKERS BUSY REPAIRING BLOCKED OVERFLOWING DRAINS" on ALL the Restroom Doors. "OUT OF SERVICE" on top floor elevators also works well! Get yourself a good spectator seat and watch how those that keep it for the last minute start running around! Oh, and you might want to hire a TEMP to do your work for the day!
  4. CRAZY RUMOR - As a group, decide who the target will be and what the rumor will be. Something like: "Is it true that you are dating the boss, working for the competition or any other crazy rumor". Really, there is no limit to the possibilities. Just make sure that you get a few people involved with this one. Asked about it enough times, they will seriously start to get uncomfortable! Good Pranks? No, this is horrible!
  5. KEEP ON RINGING - Tape down the phone button on the phone so when the phone starts ringing, and they pick it up, it will keep ringing. This is one of those old, brilliant, Good Pranks.
  6. DIRTY HANDS - Add food coloring to the hand soap dispenser in the bathroom. Some will end up worse than before, and the non-washers will be identified! A Church was very angry at a prankster after he decided he needs things a little more interesting during service that Sunday!
  7. I'M LEAVING - Submit letters of resignation for other employees - the great, hardworking, important ones. Add a bit of spice and say they've won the lotto or are joining the competition! Make sure you write THIS IS A OFFICE PRANK (IN BIG LETTERS) on the reverse side!
  8. AWAKE - First half of the day, replace the coffee with DECAF COFFEE. Second half of the day, replace the coffee with ESPRESSO! Good Pranks went Hyperactive!
  9. SUBSTITUTE SUGAR - Add 1–2 teaspoons full of salt or an effervescent to the sugar! Or write funny words on sugar sachets! Use your imagination! Can you imagine the faces with this one?
  10. DIRT CHEAP - Advertise the Boss man's car, house or wife dirt cheap in the Free Ads or Local Newspaper. Add his mobile number and contact between 09:00-17:00 to make sure the rest can have fun without disturbance today!

For the Best Practical Office Jokes, use this link!

funny prank


Good Pranks on Brothers

  1. SMALL SHOES - Stuff some cotton wool into the toes of his favorite shoes. He will think his feet grew or his shoes shrank.
  2. STUCK - Glue his shampoo bottle or deodorant's cap so that it can't open, and make sure it's the only bottle in the bathroom!
  3. NO FOAM - Coat a bar of soap with clear nail polish and let it dry. Then put it into the shower ...
  4. STICKY - Unscrew the shower head and put some Cool-Aid Drink Mix powder behind the filter. The victim will be surprised when a bright, sticky mess comes pouring down.
  5. CLOSED - Sew up the fly on the victim’s underwear. This trick works best when you know they’ll have to use a public restroom.
  6. FROZEN CEREAL - Pour some cereal and milk into a bowl. Put the bowl into the freezer. The next morning, take it out and pour a small amount of milk and few flakes of cereal on top. Then serve it to your brother and watch the struggle.
  7. YUMMY SOAP - Replace the liquid soap with syrup for sticky good pranks!
  8. ITCHY? - Put toothpaste, shaving cream or baby powder on his fingers while he is asleep. Then tickle his nose.
  9. VERY HOT - Know when he is likely to use the bathroom? Rub some Deep Heat or any other type of warming Muscle Rub on the toilet seat!
  10. NEW GIRLFRIEND - When you meet his girlfriend for the first time. Tell her, "Oh, you must be Gina" I have heard a lot about you. Even though you know her real name is Helen.



Good Pranks on Sisters

  1. SHINING STAR - Add some baby oil to shampoo or conditioner. Good for hair, but this is asking for a 100% good pranks revenge!
  2. OOPS - Hide a big fake spider in her fav handbag!
  3. LIVE A LITTLE - Hide several alarm clocks set 5 minutes apart from 3AM in her bedroom!
  4. OUCH! - Is she reading a nice, thick Romance Novel? Remove the last two pages carefully! (Do keep them for her!)
  5. RED - Add some food coloring to her Nail Polish, 2–3 drops will do. Red in Red and Pink in Pink will last a few days longer even when removed!
  6. TANNED - Add some self-tan lotion to her body lotion. Don't mix well, it's meant to be streaky.
  7. YUM YUM - Put a little bit of Peanut Butter on the handle of her favorite cupboard or drawer. (Underneath and out of sight works best. Not a nice feel, not a nice look on hands!)
  8. LITTLE BLACK NUMBER - Those cute little black sandals will look cute even when she takes them off - add a little black shoe polish on the inside. (Be prepared to replace them!). You do know you are looking for serious trouble and a good spank instead of a good prank?
  9. FLYLICIOUS - Plastic little black flies or roaches available from toys stores in her favorite breakfast cereal goes down well in Good Pranks.
  10. EEEW! - The next time she's having a warm drink, drop 2–3 raisins in. These will sink to the bottom and will be a nice last sip surprise! A 5-Star Good Pranks winner for any occasion!

Pranks-EasySee Easy Pranks Below


Good Pranks When Camping

  1. CAN'T SEE! - Put a little charcoal on the eyepieces of the binoculars, ski goggles or sunglasses. You can also put it on door handles, cooler handles or on kitchen utensils.
  2. BACKPACKING - Put some heavy rocks in the bottom of someone's backpack - it will take them a few days to figure out!
  3. SPARKLERS - Hide some sparklers half under the wood around the edges of the camp fire. Small fire crackers will work well! Fire extinguisher definitely, just in case!
  4. ZIPPER - Use a paperclip or some other device to jam the zipper on their tent closed. Eventually they will have to ask to be released, everyone keep quiet as if there is no one around!
  5. BIRD WAKE UP - If you have been kept up all night by noisy neighbors - Try this. Either spread some bread crumbs or bird seed all over their campsite. Works especially well if they are sleeping under the stars. If you are really upset, you may want to use honey as well. (Good Pranks says: Caution! Honey is not recommended in bear country!)
  6. SCARY - All you need is a rubber snake or rubber spider and some fishing line. Tie the fishing line around the snake and roll out the line. Set this up on the camp site and at some point start reeling in your little friend.
  7. SCARY DAY 2 - Tie the snake or spider up in a tree so that when you release the line, the snake will fall from the tree onto the picnic table or wherever else you want it to land.
  8. ITCHY - Start scratching your head and pretend to find little tiny spiders in your hair - you'll have every one itchy in a short while. We've seen this one work on many occasions, not only camping!
  9. NOISES - Take a mini-tape recorder and record some animal sounds. Turn volume setting to low and increase gradually and press play while friends go to sleep. Leave a few minutes of blank tape so that they almost fall asleep before the action start.
  10. FAKE POOP - Spread some chocolate milk duds on the ground in a place where you might walk or hike later in the day. Once you see them, announce that you think they are moose droppings, but there is only one way to be sure - then eat one. Chew it up and spit it out and confirm that yes, it is Moose Poo.


Good Pranks on Computer PC

  1. MOUSE MALFUNCTION - Stick a post-it note under your friend's mouse so that the paper leaf covers the mouse ball or infrared - the mouse will no longer work! Write APRIL FOOL on the note. Sticky Tape can be used for Infrared instead.
  2. RESTART - This takes a few seconds alone on someone’s computer. When you get a chance, right-click your pal’s icon to Internet Explorer or some other commonly used program. Edit the properties and change the target to: “%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -r -t 00″ - Now, every time your friend tries to run IE, his machine will mysteriously restart. Be a friend and help to correct it again! Thanks for the correct format Jeff, it is updated and working! Jeff gave another one, if the PC uses Windows, access the system font through the control panel and set it to white. When your prospect types in a Word document or elsewhere on a white background, he won't be able to see the typing.
  3. ROTATE - A simple but quick and always amusing prank is putting the screen rotation hotkeys to uses. Hit Ctrl-Alt-up or down to rotate their monitor orientation. If you have some time, you can make this a little worse by going into the Control Panel and setting their mouse to left-handed.
  4. WORKING - A great mouse prank in the Control Panel. Under the “Mouse” settings’ “Pointer” tab, change the default mouse pointer to the hourglass. Suddenly, the system is always busy working! What’s happening!
  5. SPEEDY - In the “Mouse” settings you'll find loads of fun. Move the pointer speed to either extreme fast or extreme slow to cause a little frustration. We've tried this one on slow and it caused some serious frustration!
  6. FAST! - While your victim is away from his or her computer, change the double click setting on the mouse. To do this, just go to start, settings, control panel and then mouse. Make it so fast that it is nearly impossible to do.
  7. BUSTED - This prank is for that annoying co-worker who is always sending out tons of emails to other workers - All you have to do is go to their email when they are away and set it to "send blind carbon copies" to your boss's email address.
  8. BLACK! - Change the prompt on someone's computer to be black on black. This is rather cruel if the person is computer illiterate. Very effective before a big project is due!
  9. ALERT MESSAGE - Change their Screen Saver to the “Marquee” setting. Go to Start->Settings->Control Panel->Display and choose the Screen Saver tab. Then select “Marquee” from the drop-down list. Click “Settings” and enter a virus/warning message of your choice. Then set the “Wait” time to 1 minute. An absolute Good Pranks must do!
  10. ALTERNATIVE - If someone uses Microsoft Word often, go into the computer and change the autocorrect feature so it misspells common words. Just open Word, choose “Auto Correct Options” from the Tools menu, and have it replace common words like “the” and “and” with wacky words like “eggplant” or “Uranus.” Be creative. We've had great fun with good pranks like this one!

For more of the Best Computer Pranks, use this link!


Good Pranks To Play At Home

  1. FAKE FLY - You can buy fake flies or bugs at the joke shop. Put a couple in the salad at a BBQ.
  2. TATTOO - If you're going home to visit the family, get a realistic temporary tattoo and then sit them down and tell them that you have a really important announcement to make.
  3. CAR WASH - Somebody just about to wash the car? Unscrew the garden hose from the connector. Pour some biodegradable liquid dish soap into the hose. Screw the hose back on and enjoy.
  4. BLESS YOU! - Pour water in your hand, make a sneezing noise, then throw water on the back of a person’s neck. Best not to use this one on strangers, your good prank might backfire!
  5. COOKIES - Make some cookies with some finely shopped Very hot chilies. Put the cookies out but put a sign-up that says “Do Not Eat - Very Hot”.
  6. LOUD - Many new TVs have an option on them that lets you set a time for them to turn on. Simply go to the menu and set it for about 2:37 AM. Before you go to bed, turn the volume up to max and shut off.
  7. SNOOPING - A statistic says that about thirty percent of the population snoops through medicine cabinets. When you have a party - Place some strange objects and potions in the cupboard!
  8. SNOOPING 2 - Rig up a small box full of marbles. Cut one side of the box so that you are able to close the cabinet but when the cabinet is opened the marbles all start rolling out of the box onto the counter top when the cabinet is opened - It makes a big noise. Also works with golf balls for more noise.
  9. YUMMY COOKIE - Scrape off the filling of a few Oreo cookies. Then fill them with white toothpaste. Leave the cookies out where somebody can find them.
  10. MIX UP - Go into the kitchen and swap the contents of one cupboard with the contents of another cupboard. It's fun 1st thing in the morning when people are barely awake!



Good Pranks To Play At The Office

  1. Dial the phone number of the guy in the next office whenever he walks away from his desk. Hang up before he can run back to answer it. Repeat often as we did!
  2. Tape a sign to a fellow employee's back that says, "I'm hungry and underpaid."
  3. Wallpaper your office with pictures of The Pope. Perfect pranks struggled to see the point!
  4. Shoot a plastic cap gun at people who leave your desk.
  5. Write a co-worker's name into a jockstrap or bra, and leave it in the center of a conference table before a meeting. (Small sizes of these garments improve performance of the prank.)
  6. Change all the male restroom signs to female, See below… Sigh... boring!
  7. Hide the speaker of a baby monitor in the office of a co-worker (tape underneath a chair). Then make random sounds every 3 or 4 minutes, just enough to get their attention, but not enough for them to track down exactly where the sound is coming from. This one created quite a stir!
  8. Water or drink bottles in the office on desks? When they are not looking, superglue the lids so it can’t be opened. Watch them!!
  9. Set a favorite office stationery item in jello, then serve it. See below. Fun Stuff: hooliganism if you are not prepared to replace, in fact have another ready!
  10. Borrow a favorite item belonging to the victim. Take a photograph that shows the item in an easily-identified locale (by the copier, at reception, in the kitchen, etc.). Leave the photo where the victim will find it instead of the object. When they go to the location shown in the picture, arrange it so they find another picture of the item… this time in a NEW location. Continue this as many times as possible, until at last they are rewarded with their item, with a note that says “Good Detective, well done you deserve a raise!”

For the Best Office Prank Sets, use this link!



Random Good Pranks

  1. WHAT'S IN BED! - Place a defrosted Gel Freezer Block somewhere around the feet inside the bed! Works well next to the bed where a person steps when they get out of bed as well!
  2. OH DEAR! - Put a coat hanger or two in between the sheet and the mattress on someone's bed.
  3. LABELLED - Take Elmer's Glue (make sure that it is either Elmer's or washable) and glue a nice piece of cardboard with wording or anything to your friend's chest, feet, arms, legs. But not to the face … don't want to restrict breathing.
  4. TOILET - Put packing bubbles (you know, that stuff that keeps things from breaking that's fun to stomp on) under the toilet seat! This is funny!
  5. COTTON BALLS - When it is below freezing outside, dip cotton balls in water and place them all over the car. Contact will freeze the water, making it stick until the temperature climbs above freezing.
  6. WHOOPEE - Hide a couple of Whoopee cushions in the couch. When everybody goes to sit down, there will be a good laugh or two.
  7. HAPPY - Fill the defroster vents of the front window of someone's car with confetti.
  8. SNOW WHITE - Fill the front of the hair-dryer with baby powder. When they turn it on, pure white, like snow!
  9. EGGS - Glue eggs to the carton and beg for eggs in the morning.
  10. MY TV - Place a piece of black tape over the remote sensor of the TV - No one would be able to change channels with the remote!


Please Note: These lists are informational (THE WORLD'S TOP 10!) and not the views of FUN STUFF TO DO with regard to respectful behavior in a learning environment!

Good Pranks for College

  1. FERTILIZE - Spray liquid fertilizer on the lawn. Use the spray to spell some words... like "GOLD BURIED HERE".
  2. CARROTS - Sow some carrot seeds on the lawn. Spelling: "I feel CARROTS". In a few weeks they will start to grow and carrot leaf is a different shade of green than grass. The college may think they are weeds and use some weed killer on them, which won't work on carrot leaf.
  3. WEBSITE - Purchase someone's .com domain name. Example:, then post funny stuff about him on the website and send him the link.
  4. BAD MILK - Put some mini marshmallows into someone’s milk when they aren’t looking. Best for non see through containers.
  5. SORE NECK - Take a plastic bottle or a plastic cup and stick under your arm. Complain to your teacher that your chiropractor really messed your neck up. Reach your hand over your head and twist your neck at the same time you squish the plastic bottle or cup. Amazing Results!
  6. TEST - Right before class, as you are walking into the classroom, ask one of your classmates if they are “ready for the test today?” This will work best if you have another friend who confirms that there is indeed a test that day.
  7. BEACH - While at the beach: wait for your victim to leave for a few minutes. Pick up their towel, dig a hole and cover it with the towel. When they get back, they will “fall” for your trick.
  8. MUSHROOM - Buy some fresh mushrooms and paint them bright red. “Plant” them in the grass. Shocking to find “poisonous” mushrooms at College!
  9. CLEAN - A little piece of duct tape taped to the bottom of a faucet will let the water spray everywhere!
  10. EGGS - Make some hard-boiled eggs and enjoy. Ask your prospect if they would like a hard-boiled egg. If they say “yes,” hand them a regular egg.

Good Pranks 2023 web


Please Note: These lists are informational (THE WORLD'S TOP 10!) and not the views of FUN STUFF TO DO with regard to respectful behavior in a learning environment!

Good Pranks For School

  1. IMPORTANT - Address the teacher as "your honor".
  2. INVISIBLE FRIEND - Ask for an extra copy of each handout, for your invisible friend next to you.
  3. COIN - Superglue a coin to the ground and watch people try to pick it up. Good Prank!
  4. HOMEWORK - When a teacher asks you for your homework, angrily exclaim that you are a member of Greenpeace or the Earth Liberation Front, and that the mass slaughter of innocent trees is unacceptable.
  5. HOMEWORK 2 - Tell your teacher that you don't do homework because it's against your religion.
  6. POP! - Place a balloon over the tailpipe of a teacher's car (make sure the car isn’t running, and check to make sure the tailpipe isn’t so hot that you’ll get burned). When the victim starts up the car, there will be a large “POP.”
  7. CORN - Plant some corn (W-i-d-e S-p-r-e-a-d) spelling a funny word on the sports field.
  8. GIFT - Take a small cardboard jewelry box (about the size a bracelet comes in). Cut a hole in the bottom and through the cotton (if the box has cotton on the bottom). Stick your finger through the hole and lay it flat. Put the lid on. Tell your victim that you have a gift for them. Ask them to open the box and when they see it’s a finger, yell “BOO!” (For added effect, squirt some tomato sauce around the bottom of your finger.)
  9. RUMORS - Report rumors daily via the bathroom wall on post-it notes.
  10. RAINY DAYS - Pick a rainy day and put some confetti inside abandoned umbrellas. When they are opened in a rush...sprinkle!


Please Note: These lists are informational (THE WORLD'S TOP 10!) and not the views of FUN STUFF TO DO with regard to respectful behavior in a learning environment!

Good Pranks on Teachers

  1. BOW - Stand to ask questions. Bow deeply before taking your seat after the teacher answers.
  2. GOOD LAUGH - Laugh loudly at everything the teacher says. Be sure to snort and make weird noises while you laugh.
  3. ANOTHER SUBJECT - At a completely random time, put up your hand to ask a question. When the teacher picks you, ask a question about a different subject and pretend you thought it was that class.
  4. HANDS UP - Put your hand up, and when the teacher acknowledges you, just say "I'm pointing at the ceiling".
  5. FRESH MEAT - When a substitute introduces him as a substitute, have you and your friends all yell "FRESH MEAT!!!!" at the same time.
  6. THE - Listen to what the teacher says, and pick out a word that is said often, like "the". Say you don't understand "the", ask her to explain?
  7. SMILEY FACE - Draw a smiley face on a piece of paper (or print one), and talk to it.
  8. CANDLES - Bring some candles, a Ouija board and matches into the class on the day of a test. Before the test starts, set the candles in a circle and light them. Sit in the middle of the circle with the Ouija board and claim that "they" said you must channel the spirit of Einstein for the test.
  9. SALMON - Every time your teacher asks a question, raise your hand and answer with the word "salmon". Have your friends join in, and even have people in different class periods do the same.
  10. OKAY CLAP - Pick one of your teachers that constantly use a specific word (ex: A teacher that says "Okay?" after almost every sentence). Get everybody in the class to stand up, clap, and sit down every time that word is used.


Good Pranks in Classrooms

  1. CLEAN - Lick yourself clean like a cat does.
  2. QUESTIONS - Sing your questions to the teacher or class!
  3. IMPORTANT - Address the teacher as "My Lady" as in the olden days.
  4. HANDS UP - Put your hand up, and when the teacher acknowledges you, just say "I'm pointing at the ceiling".
  5. SMILEY - Draw or print a smiley face on a piece of paper, and talk to it.
  6. SALMON - Every time the teacher asks a question, raise your hand and answer with the word "salmon". Have your friends join in, and even have people in different class periods do it.
  7. BABIES - Raise your hand, and when the teacher calls on you, ask where babies come from in a childish voice.
  8. PAPER - When a teacher explains something, raise your hand and say "I don't get it". They'll say, "What don't you get?" You look at the handout or notebook paper you have and say, "How do they make a huge tree into this thin piece of paper?"
  9. CLEVER - Look ahead in the textbook and learn the info. When the teacher tries to teach it, raise your hand and give away the whole lesson in 30 seconds.
  10. BUMPER STICKER - Buy a funny bumper sticker and place it on a teacher's FRONT bumper (it's the place he/she is least likely to see it while everyone else will!)

Fun Stuff To Do says: We hope the world's Top 10 lists will provide teachers and educators with all the knowledge and armor they need!


Funny Pranks

  1. BIG BANG BIRTHDAY - Take a cake pan, place a water balloon filled with water inside. Decorate the top of the water balloon with icing. Get the birthday boy/girl to cut their own cake with a sharp knife! BANG ... SPLASH!
  2. FIZZY DRINK TIME BOMBS - We all know what Mint Mentos do to fizzy drinks, yes, it makes it bubble or fizz uncontrollably. Get an ice tray, fill it up with water and drop a Mentos in each, put in the freezer and keep them ready for your fizzy drink lover friends. Pop the ice cubes in their drinks and wait for the ice to start melting for the grand finale.
  3. BUG INFESTATION - Print then carefully cut out a silhouette of a bug and place it on the inside of a lamp. When your target switch on the lamp... surprise!!
  4. RAINBOW - When you know it is going to rain, place little blobs of water-soluble paint just above the rear windscreen wiper in this order from the outside inward: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. When your target activates the rear wiper, it will leave a beautiful rainbow on their rear window. 
  5. TOMATO JUICE AT MCDONALD'S - Place tomato sauce (ketchup) on the inside of a disposable cup with lid, make sure the straw is in the ketchup - if you have time you can add some coke to make it more runny. Wait until your target is almost finished with their drink. Then swap the cups.
  6. ROCK ORDERS - Write "turn me over" on a rock with a sharpie. On the other side, write "you just took orders from a rock".
  7. CABLE TIE IT - Get a cheap packet of 100 cable ties, use all the cable ties to cable tie a remote control, mobile phone, tablet, diary, calculator or anything your target would use a lot, top to bottom and then across. Place it back where you found it.
  8. CHOP-SHOP - Hi-jack someone's office chair, take it to the chop-shop, carefully remove the wheels, then place the chair back in position on bricks.
  9. CRACKED - Attach a cracked screen overlay to their computer or mobile phone prank. There is Nothing wrong with it, we promise, Absolutely Nothing. Just remove the overlay. Also, available for car windows or house windows. Check the link below.
  10. HIDDEN - Hide two items, the fun with this is you can hide some awesome delicious treats, that are easy to find. The funny part is, you will tell them that you hid THREE items - the third they will obviously never find.

The very best CRACKED WINDOW sticker pranks.

April Fools' Day Prank


  1. EASTER EGGS - Take square pieces of tinfoil, color them different colors with sharpies (the permanent markers). Make sure they will fit around the grapes. Now roll some grapes up inside and put them out for guests or for the Easter hunt.
  2. NO SHAMPOO - Wrap some plastic wrap on top of their shampoo bottle, then place the top with the little hole back on.
  3. UNDRINKABLE MILK - Dissolve 1 packet of plain gelatin in 1/2 cup boiling water (stir until it's dissolved), then stir in 3/4 cup milk, 2 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk, and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla. Refrigerate and place a straw in before serving. It is really yummy to eat after they've tried to drink it.
  4. SPONGE BROWNIES - Cut some sponge (I used new scrub sponges that you use in the kitchen) into little squares, cover with frosting and some sprinkles.
  5. FROZEN CEREAL - Place some cereal and milk in a bowl and freeze. You can't help but laugh when they try to eat it.
  6. ICE-CREAM SPILL - This is such a fun prank for neat freaks. Create a fake ice-cream spill with glue and sprinkles. See how it is done here! I have seen this done with normal nail polish as well. It needs plenty of time to dry. Super fun!
  7. FAKE SPIDER - Draw a small fake spider with a black marker on one of the sheets of toilet paper in the bathroom. Add tiny white or red dots with a toothpick and nail polish to the body and legs to give it some dimension.
  8. POP GOES THE - Place some bubble wrap under the loose carpets at the doors.
  9. FAKE TOASTED CHEESE - A loaf of pound cake cut into slices and toasted + butter cream frosting, mix in yellow and red food coloring (to make orange) until it looks like the color of melted cheese. This is so fun when you see the faces, and it is really yummy too.
  10. A super easy, fun way to prank-scare anyone! This Emergency Bigfoot gadget is as simple as it gets! Out on a hike, picnic, in the dark outside, around a campfire, we can think of tons of times this little gem can do just the trick!
Easy Good Pranks - Emergency Bigfoot


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If you love all our pranks, follow our Pinterest board with pranks!

Ever needed a 'get off the phone excuse machine', talking toilet paper, poop dough with mold, fart whistle or wasabi gum balls (I certainly have!). Here you'll find completely out of the ordinary good prank stuff, ordinary gags you've never seen, hilariously funny gifts, and other stupid stuff that will entertain you for years to come! Perfect Prank Goodies To Buy


The Museum of Hoaxes - Definitely one of my favorite websites! They have a page called "The Top 100 April Fools' Day Hoaxes of All Time" An absolute must-read for all Prank lovers! These pranks did not only cause a lot of sensation at the time, but they are guaranteed to put your prank mind into 1st gear!

You will also find a very interesting page on the ORIGIN and the HISTORY of April Fools' Day in the Additional April Fools' Day content! What's more is they have a COMPLETE DATABASE of April Fools' Jokes arranged by YEAR from the year 1700 to 2014 - I call it: perfect pranks heaven!! The Top 10 Worst April Fools' Pranks Ever is another good read, as well as Fake Viral Images! Just click on the link below for more mischief-makers joy.

Go to Museum Of Hoaxes

funny prank


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Perfect Pranks to Play on People - Suitable for kids with adult supervision.

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Funny Pranks

Pranks for kids

Funny text pranks

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Pranks on Friends - Good Pranks Revenge

Car Pranks

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Play Good Pranks on Parents

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Good Pranks to play on DAD

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Pranks Our Visitors Pull On People!!

Click below to see more pranks from other visitors...

Top 20 Pranks Kids Can Play On Parents Or Vice Versa 
20+ Great pranks to play on parents or kids that are safe and funny. Growing up is all about fun and games and lots of laughter. How about some safe, good, …

Musician Surprise 
If your friend plays the trumpet, flute, recorder etc. Sprinkle lots of confetti or glitter into the instrument . When they try and play the confetti/glitter …

The flower Prank 
I told my sister that we were going outside to make a wish on the flowers that you blow and make a wish with. I told her to blow on three. At three she …

Mail him a sugary mess 
Mailed him a sugary mess. He received an envelope that looked like a bill, when he opened it sugar spilled every where from the fake bill. Days later we …

Good coke prank 
After I had a coke, I filled the empty bottle with water. You can also use any other clear liquid. I then poured soy sauce into the bottle. Then I served …

Funny Prank on Brother or Sister 
Get a fake spider and some String. Make the string about the height of their head. Then tie the string around the spider and tape it above his/her doorway. …

The food switch prank 
Get two boxes of cereal and take out both of their bags and swap them. When someone pours their cereal in their bowl it wont be the kind they wanted. …

Good prank on lil bro 
I pranked my little brother. I hid all of his stuff in my closet! Told him I thought he moved out when he started freaking out. Needless to say he freaked …

Good Prank for Family 
Spray non-stick spray on the toilet seat and let the slipping begin. Place a raw onion (peeled) under or inside someones pillow before bedtime. Paint …

Detention prank  
Ask a teacher to give you a detention slip and write yourself up for detension in different handwriting with a crazy reason. So when you give it to your …

Broken nose prank on strangers and teachers 
Get a bow tie pasta noodle, put it in your mouth, ask the person if your nose looks if its punched bruised or crooked. While the noodle is in your mouth …

Wallpaper prank 
Rip or tear a piece of paper shaped like a diamond. Make one half of the diamond shape stick on the wall and the other half hang over like it is torn. …

Two Very Good Pranks 
Here's two really good pranks I've played on some unfortunate victims recently and they are harmless, unless you are the president or some important person. …

But you said so prank 
For those of you who dare to be naughty in school, here's a cute prank on your teacher. In class turn around and just stare at your teacher, when she …

Windows Desktop 
I've done this a few times. When your 'friend' is away from their pc or laptop, take a printscreen. Paste this into MS Paint and save onto the desktop …

5 Best ways to prank a best friend - harmless 
Get hold of your friend's Facebook account and change her Birthday to April Fools Day (1 April), watch her surprise when she gets many good wishes on this …

Prank Your Family 
Use a flour bag that is open. Tilt it against the inside of a cupboard door and enjoy the expression of the person lucky enough to open the cupboard door. …

Good Office Prank: 
My boss uses a lot of regular pencils. I got to work earlier than him and dipped each of his numerous pencil tips in clear nail polish. All morning I kept …

Good pranks on dad 
My dad and I went fishing last summer. Unknowing to him I pulled off about 5 feet of line off his reel and cut it. I reel the loose line back onto his …

Stuck prank 
This prank is very simple, you just need a house phone and super glue. Stick your house phone to the charging base so it cannot be answered. Happy pranking! …

My best friend and I are in this prank war and he started it. He started by putting baby powder in my blow dryer, I had to hop back in the shower to wash …

Perfume prank 
Whenever I used to go to the mall with my friends and we were walking through the perfume section, usually at the entrance of a department store, I would …

My Mouth is Zipped  
If you have zip ties (white cable ties), they have a fun purpose: If there is anything that you can tie your prank victim to in his/her sleep, do it and …

Good prank for your neighbours 
Get a rope and sneak into the front yard. Tie the rope around the doorknob and use the other end to tie it around a plant or two. Ring the doorbell and …

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Good harmless prank on cat or dog 
If you have stairs or a hallway which end with a parallel wall put some plastic rap across the end of the hallway or stairs and then call your animal. …

Funny cant get out prank 
You tie a rope to the victims doornob when the door is closed and tie the other end to something that is really heavy or another door. Watch them try to …

Fan and tooth brush prank 
OK for the 1st fan prank get confetti or flour and put it on the blades of the ceiling fan when the victim turns it on they will be in for a surprise and …

Good Prank On Enemies 
Take two ketchup packets (the kind you get with take-out meals) and fold them in half put it under the bumpy thing under the toilet seat, and when your …

April Fools Day Pranks 
First, turn your TV up to full volume (this is best if you don't have anyone home yet.) Then, turn it off and put a post it note on the back of the remote …

No Pants 
So, if your dad works, or when he's out one night sneak into his closet and take all of his work pants. Be sure to fill his closet with other things like …

Prank Your Parents 
When your parents leave and won't be home till after dark and you want to pull a funny prank on them do this: Put clear plastic wrap or clear tape over …

Good Prank on Teammates 
Our swim team at school have pranks back and forth between the girls and the guys. What we did this year is: We filled their team locker room with balloons …

Prank Victims In An Elevator 
Well one time me and my friends were bored and at the library. So we took one of my little sisters play-desks with the phone and stuff and set up.... office …

Good prank on parents 
When your parents go out turn all the clocks back 3 hours when they return they will think time froze or went back. For more Perfect Pranks go: Here! …

Good coin prank 
First get some fishing wire and tie it to a coin (works best on coins with ridges like a dime). Then take the other end of the fishing wire and tape it …

How to prank teachers - My top 10 
1. Every time they explain something, say, "I don't get it." 2. Ask where he/she got their shirt from? Then, when they answer, say (the opposite sex) …

Funny Prank - Family Cookie Recipe 
This prank is incredibly funny, it may take some time but its worth it!! Make any cookie recipe and put HEAPS of salt in some of the cookie mixture. Make …

4 Good Pranks on Siblings 
One time my mom was making dinner, and I was completely bored. I had an idea. I took a pinch of sugar in one hand and kosher salt in the other and hid …

Perfume on brothers clothes prank 
Well when my brother was sleeping I took the girliest sent that I had and sprayed it on the clothes he was going to wear the next day and he walked every …

Splash Not rated yet
Ask your mum first for this one! This is such an old trick to prank anyone that disturbs you, it stays a good one though and so many have been caught …

TV remote  Not rated yet
First you are going to need a remote and 1 battery. On Sunday right before the football game starts take out 1 battery and put the cover back on the remote. …

Good pranks on friends Not rated yet
This is one of my favorite pranks, always provides a great laugh: Best to get permission to do this if it is not your own stuff! You take one table …

Good prank to play on someone who think they know everything. Not rated yet
We all know a person who knows EVERYTHING, catch them with this prank, then reward them with the certificate. Shout to your victim "MOUSE!!!" …

ONE way to start the day Not rated yet
You get two boxes of cereal then you wake up early in the morning and then you switch the bags and put them in the opposite box and then when your mom, …

Senior School Prank Not rated yet
The class of 2012 filled up solo cups half way with water and lined them up all through the halls. Also they saran wrapped everything and then put post …

The Burglar Prank Not rated yet
Use a tape recorder or a voice recording app on your phone to record noises like creaking stairs, sneaky footsteps, or someone saying "grab that (insert …

Computer Restart Prank Not rated yet
This goes under your computer restart trick. The correct programming is "shutdown -s -t 60 -c shutdown initiated" this will warn them of shutdown, but …

toilet cover Not rated yet
I put clear wrap on the toilet and I woke up and I forgot the wrap was on the toilet and i pranked my self and oh, boy it was messy!!!!!

Prank on anyone... Not rated yet
If you have an ice tray, freeze fake toy spiders or flies in the ice tray. Then drop them in someones clear drink like water, lemonade etc.

Click here to write your own.

Great Prank on Older Sister! Not rated yet
My younger sister and I melted a chocolate bar, then wiped it on toilet paper and placed it all around the bathroom! My older sister TOTALLY freaked out! …

Face full of foam Not rated yet
When someone is sleeping, put foam or shaving gel in his right hand. After that, tickle him gently on his nose. If you're lucky, he will scrath his face …

A Case of the Jumps Not rated yet
This prank works on everyone! Try to use at night but any other time works as well. First watch a movie with your sibling, parent, friend, cousin or who-ever, …

PEE-PEE PRANK Not rated yet
At a sleepover put water in a cup. Then pour water in cup into sleeping bag. Then have friend pour water on her PJ pants. Then when person gets into sleeping …

Funny advertising notes prank Not rated yet
Put up a funny sheet of paper on advertising bulletin board. Example: I cut trees. Now make little slips to tear off on the edge of the paper where …

random prank Not rated yet
Photocopy the one side of a money note in color. Leave the notes in random places, like the supermarket floor, park walkways, public bathrooms and watch …

Bed prank  Not rated yet
Very funny - get a couple of books and put it in your parents pillows on the bed and when they go to bed they will hit their heads on the hard pillows. …

Morning thunder prank Not rated yet
To do this you sneak into your Dad's bedroom and hide under the bed, when he wakes up you start making very loud or disturbing noises under the bed.

Prank on Anyone Living with You Not rated yet
Instead of cream cheese put some toothpaste on a bagel for them :)

Ice Cube Prank Not rated yet
1. Fill up an ice cube tray with water exept for one 2. Fill up that empty spot with vinegar 3. Watch as your victim drinks vinegar

Ceiling fan prank Not rated yet
Get your brothers underwear or sisters bras/underwear. Hang them on the ceiling fan wings in their room at night. Turn off the light. When they come into …

Upstairs Splash Prank Not rated yet
Make sure you do a test run. Have a friend help you - your friend will be the distraction, so you go into your house up stairs, then go into a room with …

A messy face prank Not rated yet
Find someone that you've wanted to get for a long time e.g. a family member or a friend and follow the instructions below: Things you will need: A pen, …

All day for gravy prank Not rated yet
Invite a friend over, get some sheets of paper and write messages on the paper leading them to a hot chocolate drink. Instead of putting in coco powder …

Quarter Prank Not rated yet
Take a quarter and with a pencil outline the out side of the quarter then tell them I bet you cant get this quarter to roll down your face with out touching …

ding dong ditch Not rated yet
Get several friends and find a crabby neighbor who lives pretty far from your house. make sure it's night so you can wake them up. Start ringing the doorbell …

Prank your teacher Not rated yet
I told the teacher that there was a stalker at the window, she went over to investigate and I got everyone to sing "How much is that doggy in the window". …

icy cold Not rated yet
My friend and I were seriously planning for the grade ten exams at my place another friend came in and started talking, they were soooooo busy in talking …

A Ghost Switcharew ? Not rated yet
If you have a father / dad that collects ridiclous, weird, and strange things switch all the figures around into all diffrent spots. They could be moved …

Clear tape across someones door prank Not rated yet
My cousin and I were wondering how to pull a prank on our brothers so when we figured it out this is what we did. We got a huge clear tape gun & put alot …

Good Prank on guys:) Not rated yet
Go out and buy a new razor(or just use an old one) and shaving cream, when u return home make sure nobody sees it. While the guy is sleepin take and shave …

Good Food Pranks Not rated yet
If your serving food to someone, put some pepper or hot sauce on it. (Anything spicy or sour is good). Wait for their reaction and have a camera ready! …

Prank - Easy One For Kids Not rated yet
On this particular April Fool's Day, I put salt on my Parents' toothbrushes. First you have to wet them with water, then sprinkle a little salt on them, …

Suprise Alarm Prank Not rated yet
On April fools I really wanted to play a prank on someone so I put on my alarm and hid it under my sisters pillow and told her to ly down so she did then …

Funny Lost Dog Prank Not rated yet
Take your brother or sister's dog and hide it and then say "you're dog went chasing a car down the street" then go get the dog and put it in their bed …

Click here to write your own.

BEDROOM PRANK Not rated yet
When your sister spends hours putting all her make-up on to go out, put cling film on a door which she'll walk through. Make sure it's covered top to bottom …

STUFFED Not rated yet
Put a stuffed animal on the top of the door and call your brother to come. He opens the door WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Cleaning time prank with water Not rated yet
Take tape with holes in it and put it over the shower head and if they have a shower door tape that too once they are in and eyes closed under the shower. …

THE BREAK PRANK Not rated yet

MAILMAN PRANK Not rated yet
Simple,just put a stick in the mailbox so he can't get the post in!

Funny Prank on TV Hogging Brother Not rated yet
On April Fools day i decided to prank my brother who is a BIG Tv hog so I got a tiny piece of blue tack and coloured it to be the exact same colour as …

Its snowing in summer Not rated yet
This is great for april fools day or in the summer. Make sure you have uploaded your phone with pictures of your garden covered in snow (taken from your …

Good Prank on Classmate Not rated yet
Get a piece of tape, and tape it to your classmates desk when they are not looking. Also, at that time, get a marker, and draw on the piece of tape. …

Eew! Prank Not rated yet
Get tooth paste and an empty icing container and fill the icing container with the white toothpaste (make sure that someone is about to bake a cake) and …

Wet Wet Wet Prank  Not rated yet
Place a bucket full of cold water up on the door, balancing the bucket on the slightly open door and call the person into their room by telling them that …

RANDOM PRANK Not rated yet
My dad, was in his room when my friend and I snuck in and changed the alarm clock, then we changed his toothpaste and added oil. We filled his slippers …

Mouth full of colors prank Not rated yet
Go up to your friend(s) and say "do you guys want some gum?" when they say yes give them some paintballs, then their mouths will be full of colors!

Face tape prank Not rated yet
Sneak up on someone who is concentrating with duck tape and rap it round there face, then they will go to touch there face and rap there hands to there …

Good prank to do on boys Not rated yet
Put cling film over the toilets or urinals in the boys toilets, stick it on both sides of the toilet (make sure there are no lines on the cling film and …

Bubble Laughing Prank Not rated yet
You put dish soap in their water bottle when they ask you to re-fill it for them. Try not to shake the bottle or your cover will be blown. Just stir the …

Funny Photo Prank Not rated yet
Take a picture off the wall and scan it. Go into photoshop (or another photo editing program) and make minor tweaks. Make the eyes/teeth/feet huge, or …

Funny for Anyone Prank Not rated yet
Get those monster poppers things under the toilets seat, put it down lightly, then when some one goes to use the toilet, it will make a loud cracking …

Wake Me Up Prank Not rated yet
If your dad sets his alarm clock for work in the morning.....take his alarm clock and change it. "Once I made my dad get up at 5:00am for work, I wanted …

Dog Food Prank Not rated yet
Take your brothers or sisters favorite cereal and replace some with a few chunks of dog food. SUPER FUNNY PRANK. But be prepared to get grounded! :) …

Messy Not rated yet
Get up early with your family (not including the person you want to prank). Quickly make brown sloppy porridge and sit at the dinning table. As soon …

Good pranks on brother Not rated yet
I got a big pile of sawdust, swept it infront of my brothers door, added some liquid soap into the pile of sawdust. When he woke up in the morning he had …

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Hope you have found some Good Pranks to play that will provide loads of laughter! Share the prankster love, pin below! "Fun Stuff To Do" at your service! Have FUN!

Good Pranks 2023