by Anon
Bug in Slipper
One time my mom was making dinner, and I was completely bored. I had an idea. I took a pinch of sugar in one hand and kosher salt in the other and hid them behind my back. I called my sister. I said:, "here have sugar."(give him/her the pinch of sugar. Then said: "do you want more." she said yes. Then I gave her the pinch of kosher salt. YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN THE LOOK ON HER FACE! har har!
Or you can mix some dry gelatine into the milk container and leave it to set, then invite your sibling for cookies and milk - oops!
Or unscrew the faucet on the kitchen sink fill it with blue cool aid drink powder and screw it back on, then ask your sibling to pour you some water from the kitchen.
Or place a plasctic toy bug in their slipper.
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