Wallpaper prank

by Jake Farrell
(Leicester, England)

Rip or tear a piece of paper shaped like a diamond. Make one half of the diamond shape stick on the wall and the other half hang over like it is torn. To get this just right, cut a large diamond shape, fold it double (without leaving a crease / pressed folded line) and then tear the edges roughly so that both sides of the shape are rough but identical. Tell an adult that somebody has ripped the wallpaper.(Works well on expensive wallpaper)

Note: When sticking it to the wallpaper use something like sticky putty that won't damage the original wallpaper.

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Nice ONE
by: Gwen Vol Taylor

Reading about all these I remembered a prank that I saw recently on you tube where a wallpaper of a falling whole was placed on the floor of a lift. As people enter the lift from each floor they are scared to death thinking the floor has collapsed. Hilarious!

by: Brent

Must the paper for the diamond be the same as the wallpaper?

From Fun Stuff To Do:

No not necessary Brent, the part that's "supposed" to look like the wallpaper will hang down facing the floor.

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