A Jar of Hope is a dry ingredient meal placed in a clean, sterilized empty jar, for safe storage. It consists of only a few dry ingredients, yet it is a balanced emergency meal that is simple to prepare with only boiling water needed to make a warm, nourishing meal for 4 people.

You need a pot, heat and something to stir, in some instances pots, stove tops and spoons are not available in which case a large empty tin can, coals from a fire and a cleaned stick to stir, will do just fine. 

The dry ingredients are placed in glass jars, so that the ingredients won't spoil in wet weather and also to measure water with.

On this page I would like to explain why it is so important to make these jars.

Further down you will find a link to the printable instructions as well as some other printable pages that can be used to add to the jars.

jar of hope with pastaA Jar Of Hope With Pasta
a jar of hope with riceA Jar Of Hope With Rice


The ideal would be, if those who can afford it, can make and distribute one jar, each day of the year, just imagine how much malnutrition and starvation can be stopped.

Sadly we don't live in an ideal world and I honestly do not know many people who can afford it, or if they can, who's top priority it is to feed another family, or 4 other people each day. I do not blame them, I do think you only learn that type of compassion once you've been handed a raw deal or two by life, or if you grow up in poverty.



The reality is we don't have to reach out too far, just about anywhere in the world, to find people in dire need. People who didn't choose the circumstances they find themselves in. Life deals people blows they are not prepared for.

I know this from experience, no matter how well prepared you think you are, how much money you have saved up, how much pension you have, or how much medical insurance you have now, circumstances can change over night, or they can change slowly but brutally. The following is just an example with very little detail, and I know many people are far worse off:

Personally, we went through a tough 8 year struggle with a brain tumor in my immediate family, during this time we lost so much, medical insurance ran out half way through, then we lost both my brothers and their wives, shortly after each other. Then my mom fell on an outing with friends, and yet again while visiting family. She became largely dependent on me to get things done and to get around. Not much could have prepared those of us left behind, for the rest of this journey. One day you are a happy big family, all supporting each other, working together, the next, most of that life, that happiness, your people, are gone, forever. You didn't ask for it, in fact you were in no way even remotely responsible for it. It is just life. It happens. Quicker than you can imagine.


jar of hope food for thoughtI firmly believe that, nourished, nurtured children rise above their circumstances.

As a mom, daughter, aunt and animal lover, I can never look the other way and carry on undisturbed by the reality of so many. Strong men and women can probably make a plan, if it were only that easy for children, animals, and elderly people.

This year my aim was, to make a jar per day for someone in need. To collect empty coffee jars from neighbors and dedicate one Saturday per month for this job. Buy the ingredients in bulk, fill 30/31 bottles and then distribute them nearby on a Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning, where I know they are desperately needed.

Wouldn't it be lovely if families in any area can join hands, to start a jar of hope "bank" at a local community center or church, where anyone in need can collect some hope. My sentiments are, fill those jars, you never know when it will be you in need of one of them. I know you will probably pull your nose up for a meal like this right now while things are going well, but believe me, when hunger strikes, you will find few meals like this, that can feed four people.

On that trend, this is also a good way to prepare for times when natural disasters strike, especially in more remote areas where access could be limited during floods, fires or earth quakes. In these cases I would place the dry ingredients inside a zip-lock bag and then in the glass jar, since it will not be used within days.

It is also a great idea, to attach a box of matches in a smaller zip-lock baggy to the outside of your bottle with some twine, in case of electricity outages.

Jar of hope food for thought

Jar of hope Kindness


Contact us, if you would like to send some empty jars, filled jars or ingredients for our project. 

I know some people will think this is a great initiative but truly do not have the time to collect jars, clean jars, buy ingredients for jars, fill jars and deliver jars, for those:

A financial contribution is always appreciated with a click of the button below. We accept contributions securely via PayPal.

Continue further down for the free printable pages to make your own.




Around 18 million people live in extreme poverty and the unemployment rate is a staggering 33.90% where I live, you are lucky if you have a job and an income. I am convinced it is not only where I live, somehow I think people sleep easier if they ignore the facts and figures, just about everywhere.

"alone we can do so little, together we can do so much more"


If you click on the link below, you will find the recipe, instructions and more to make a jar of hope. I have included free printable kitchen instructions that can be placed somewhere along your work surface to guide you along. I've also added cooking instruction labels and tags in plain and pretty format to apply to the jars, ready for you to just print out at home.

I would love to encourage you to make these for your own community to relieve hunger if you have the funds, resources and time available.  

Click below to see how they are made:

Jar of hope - How to make one

                  Working on the above link - please check back tomorrow!

Thank you for taking the time to read this far.

Much love to you and yours, may you remain blessed and grateful.

Sanet xxx


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