WTH Funny Key Hole Prank on Parents

by Kurt Harris
(Greensburg, Indiana)

When your parents leave and won't be home till after dark and you want to pull a funny prank on them do this:

Put clear plastic wrap or clear tape over the key hole and make it snug. When you see that they are home pretend to be asleep close to the door to see and hear there expressions... PRICELESS!!

This is the best laugh you will ever have and the fun part is it is completely harmless. If you are in any way like me, you will continue with this prank...

I played this prank on my parents one night and caught them with the very same prank the next morning when they left for work, this time on the inside. They could not get the key in the door to get out. I did a really neat job with just one small piece of clear tape over the keyhole.

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Great prank on sleeping parents

by Annie

When someone is sleeping put shave foam on their hand and when they get up they will rub their face. You see what is going to happen LOL...

Or put pepper on their hand, tickle their nose with something soft. You know what will happen... Lots of tears!

Or tape the bottom parts of their shoes / slippers to the floor when they get up and slip their feet in... no moving today!

Or gently place a piece of see thru tape over the eyes... bad day ahead

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good prank on parent or mom or dad

by Brianna

Take the flat sheet on his/her/their bed then fold it in half with the two open ends near the top, pillows resting on the bottom layer and the top layer folded over nicely as usual where they would get in, then put the conferter over it like it was normal then when he/she/they gets in to go to bed he/she/they will get stuck half way in and have to remake the whole bed and sometimes they push their feet right through the sheet if it is old - funny prank from a kid in parents home that CAN laugh!

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by Susan Boo
(United States)

When you're on holiday and you have your passport with you. Phone up your dad saying "IVE LOST MY PASSPORT" the parents will get very mad and at the end, when he gets calm TELL him that it was a prank.

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Tooth Out Prank

by Antonia
(Page AZ)

Take a white mint candy and pop it in your mouth, then when your dad or mom walks by bump into the wall and spit it out it will look like a tooth came out!

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