My Mouth is Zipped

by Jack
(South Carolina)

If you have zip ties (white cable ties), they have a fun purpose: If there is anything that you can tie your prank victim to in his/her sleep, do it and leave scissors next to them, or on their pillow or just far enough away where they cannot reach it.

Fun Stuff To Do Says:

Hey forgot about this! When I was studying and living on campus they tied two cable ties to my wrists and joined them under my bed with a long piece of string. I didn't want to bunk class to go somewhere else, so they made me miss class! They placed a swiss army knife just inches away with a message that said: "If you have to go, you will make a plan otherwise we'll see you in 30 minutes. Sorry, if you are too late for class." {that's life!}

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Wow! Tried this on my brother.
by: Anonymoose

This is a great prank! I can't believe I haven't thought of this!

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