This competition is now open!
Another super fun event!
Are you game for some fun here at Fun-Stuff-To-Do?
This competition is open from the 1st day of the month and will close on the 25th of the month. A winner is announced during the 1st week of the following month. Remember to check our Fun News Letter to see if you are the winner of this monthly prize!
Make this a Happy Month of love
for yourself, it's Valentine's Day after all. Enter our fun competition with all the unusual fun stuff you
buy for celebrations and events, as well as the things you buy to make
life more rewarding for your family!
Enter once or enter as many times as you like... oh and add it to your calendar for future competitions!
It is as simple as FINDING fun stuff to do on AMAZON!
A $100 gift voucher from AMAZON + A great bonus is up for grabs!
You probably shop at Amazon anyway, so make it a little exciting and stand a chance to win!
Type "Winter Fun", "Autumn Fun", "Spring Fun" or "Summer Fun" or any other fun search term in the Amazon search box when you follow one of the links below and select a product that you think should be on "Fun Stuff To Do's" - Top 100 Awesome Things To Do, list.
Pay for it in the month of February and come tell us here how great it really is, once you've opened or used your brand spanking new product!
If you win with your product choice in our draw:
It is great fun to search for fun stuff to do, so without further ado, get in there and show us the fun!
Just follow these easy steps...
Take a look HERE for games, seriously this list change faster than I can roll my eyes, and look at those numbers bought! If you prefer recommendations, give us a heart over HERE! You can also use the search box on any of these pages.
* We may earn a tiny commission towards the site, at no extra charge to you when you use our links, well, either that, or enjoy your own mission!
Make sure there is enough time for delivery and for testing out your fun competition entry and read the competition rules at the bottom of the page!
Bookmark this page in your web browser to find it easily!
Come back and write a review of +- 500 words about your entry in the form below, and tell us where we can contact you if you're the winner!
Yeah, yeah, we know, 500 words sound like a lot, but honestly, even 1000 words is easy, if something truly excites you! So go for it!
Submit your competition entry here. Enter the name of the product. Then tell us why you think it is super fun and cool.
Click below to see the products that have been entered into the competition!
Mystical Fire
This is super cool! You just put the Mystical Fire contents in any wood fire and you just have to lay back and watch colorful flames. They show up extremely …
It doesn't take up a lot of space and it is super fun and active. It is like volleyball but doesn't require a lot of skill. It is a great game for most …
Donut Pool Float
The donut pool float is not only fun for summer it looks like summer, feels like summer and if I didn't know better, I would say tastes like summer too. …
Fun Sun Staches
Sun Staches are so much fun. For a party, night club opening, fete sales, carnival sales, office party or simply when you go shopping. Get your stache …
Target Practise Laser Alarm Clock
The target alarm clock is definitely the best alarm clock in the world.
If you dread waking up in the morning for work or you are not a morning person …
Water Temperature Faucet Light - LED
How many times have your small child burnt his/her hands under running hot water? Needless to say even grownups have done this. Here is the solution to …
Advent Calendar Boxes To Decorate
Christmas coming up and I love these 25 little advent calendar boxes to decorate. They are so plain which means I can decorate them for everyone as I see …
Wall Decalls
My favorite product is not only my favorite "fun stuff to do" choice, it is also my work! I decorate kids bedrooms for a living and no kids bedroom can …
Big Remote Control Shark
The remote control shark is an awesome fun stuff to do item because it will scare the living daylights out of anyone.
This harmless little BIG creature …
Baby Room Decor
My daughter is pregnant with their first child. What do mommy's-to-be and granny's-to-be do when that happens? They shop and they decorate, they shop, …
Popcorn Cart Machine
Our family love popcorn. We have popcorn when we watch movies, when we swim, when have friends over, when we are on outings, when we are just at home, …
Syma Helicopter - Fun Stuff To Do
I personally think anything "remotely controlled" is the best fun stuff to do. Ok that's a joke but the rest is not:
I have bought remote control cars, …
Peanuts Fav Toy - Hear Doggy Ultrasonic Plush Toy Not rated yet
My Chihuahua really loves these toys. He loves to throw them up in the air and catch them or lays on his back and holds the toy with his paws as he chews …
Motion Sense Kitchen Faucet Not rated yet
I found this cool motion sense kitchen faucet by accident while I checked out the cool LED water temperature lights that I found on your site.
Cooking …
Christmas Santa Silverware Pocket Holders Not rated yet
I was looking for something different for our Christmas table this year and found these awesome silverware pocket holders.
These must be the cutest …
Christmas Stocking Not rated yet
Yet another Christmas Stocking. Each year I promise myself this is the last ones I buy and I have every good intentions to use it the next year too.
Sand and Water Play Center Not rated yet
Fun Stuff To Do for water babies and sand masters. There is not a child in this world that have not enjoyed either when they were little.
We found this …
Rainbow Ring Pool Play Center For Small Kids Not rated yet
Small kids love water and summer is on the way.
This product definitely qualifies as fun stuff to do for tiny children this summer.
This blow up …
Fun Competition Rules:
Only one winner will be selected for each competition. We reserve the right to draw one winner for each competition per month, or to allow other readers to vote for entries that are submitted. No employees or immediate family members of Amazon or FUN STUFF TO DO are allowed to enter. Entrants to this competition must follow all steps to be eligible to win. The competition opens on the 1st of the month and close on the 25th of the month. The winners names will be published in our newsletter during the 1st week of the following month. The winner must submit a valid email address where we can contact him/her. This competition is only for purchases made at Amazon stores via links provided on this page. Gift vouchers can be used at Amazon USA, Canada or UK.
Note: This link with all entries are only active
for subscribers to our newsletter during the first week of the following month!
Previous Fun Competition Winners!
You can view all the winning products here!
Updates to this list are announced in our monthly newsletter.
Remember to save this competition page in your web browser and to check in every month!
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