Advent Calendar Boxes To Decorate

by Mika

Fill & Decorate Your Own Countdown

Fill & Decorate Your Own Countdown

Christmas coming up and I love these 25 little advent calendar boxes to decorate. They are so plain which means I can decorate them for everyone as I see fit.

They will look awesome decorated in shades of green, blue or red and even pink for my daughter, with touches of gold and silver. I have a thousand and one ideas for each and every drawer on this calendar, pity there are only 25 drawers!

Who am I doing this up for this year? Well first of all for my two angels, Christian and Imke. Then I am doing one for grandma and grandpa, retired, they can do with something to look forward to in the mornings. Then I am doing one for each child living in our street (luckily a short street!) to suite their personalities. Then I will do one for each of my kids best friends. Make one for both of my children's teachers as a thank-you gift for the year, filling the last drawer with a very special little gift for both. I am looking for more people to make for, so if you want, contact me (big smile)!


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Fun Stuff To Do - How wonderful
by: Dewani

I absolutely love, love, love this idea Sanet@Fun Stuff To Do!

I am definitely doing this, only problem is I don't know which first. I want the jewelry storage box, I want the garden seed organizer, and I definitely have to do the college student saver for next year.

The wonderful thing is this gives me ample time to plan and prepare. I am thinking bold colors and mandala motives/drawings or cute henna drawings in white or gold. I will have to visit a craft store to see how I could do the lettering.

My other idea for the students would be to use the box with the big opening in the middle and place a really fun family photo in the big square, with wording, "When You Miss Us".

Thank you I love visiting here, there are always hidden gems like this one.

Multiple Use DIY Boxes
by: Fun Stuff To Do: Sanet

I just came across this post again and I absolutely love the original idea of creating your own advent countdown calendars, and decorating them with your own personal touches.

As I looked at these little containers I thought, they actually have multiple uses:

1. Decorate them to store matching jewelry pieces.

2. Decorate them to store and keep beads tidy with color coding on outside.

3. Decorate them to store gardening seeds to plant year round.

4. Decorate them to store small sized zip lock baggies with exotic herbs & spices.

5. Decorate them to store duplicates of important keys/remotes in your master bedroom or study.

6. My ultimate thought however was to use one of these when kids are off to college or leaving home for the first time to live on their own. Fill each container with encouragement and perhaps a solution, it can be advice, money, a coupon/voucher, student card or whatever you see fit. We all know things go wrong sometimes, or that we may not be there to celebrate special days or achievements. So what better way than to send them off prepared.

Ideas that quickly crossed my mind:

Open when it is your birthday: Add a special wish and the name of a place to go celebrate, pay the bill upfront.

Open when you lose your bank card or phone: Add a note, phone number to cancel the sim or card, phone number to call for help, mom or dad.

Open when you have a special date: Add a note and perhaps a voucher for haircut or something special to wear.

Open when you have a bad day: Add a thoughtful note and perhaps money for a little extra treat.

Open when you achieve something you are proud of: Add a note and something special to remember the achievement by, a little ring, bracelet or voucher.

Open when you run out of washing powder and softner: Add travel size/camping sachets.

Open when a seam or button come undone: Add needles and cotton thread.

Open when you run out of toiletries: Add a voucher, Amazon student card, or cash.

Open when you need emergency transport: Add a pre-arranged or pre-paid phone number to call.

These are just ideas from the top of my head, you know what this special someone may or may not need.

Have Fun!

What else would you use them for and what else would you add for students leaving home?

Loved these advent boxes
by: Jane

My kids and I absolutely loved decorating and filling these advent boxes for our family.

Great To Decorate
by: Celeste

Fabulous to decorate for little kids, thank you.

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