Syma Helicopter - Fun Stuff To Do

by Grant A
(Califonia, USA)

Best remote control helicopter

Best remote control helicopter

I personally think anything "remotely controlled" is the best fun stuff to do. Ok that's a joke but the rest is not:

I have bought remote control cars, boats, motorbikes, jet-ski's, airplanes, just about anything you can attach a remote to.

Just recently a friend of mine bought a remote helicopter, well I tell you I WAS JEALOUS! Jealous without shame or making it look pretty. Those tiny things that look like they could brake any second never tickled my fancy until I saw one IN-FLIGHT. Man I tell you I had goose bumps all over. It was excitement mixed with fear that it may come down and crash.

Well I tell you a remote helicopter is just about the most difficult thing to control or fly, have it as you may. You almost need a pilots license to keep that thing in the air. It is awesome!

This IS a definite fun stuff to do item because:

It will test your adrenaline level, fear of falling.

It is tricky to fly so it keeps you entertained.

Once you master the simplest manoeuvres, you feel like a champion but you are still far from being one.

I found out this is a professional sport, yes grown men can't stay away from these and have built up the most awesome helicopters in time.

This helicopter is the one to learn with.

This is the one I have flown with my friend and his dad, dad is the master "remotely controlled" helicopter fanatic.

This is the one I have bought for myself with my own money now. Yes I had to PAY MY MOM to put it on her card at amazon.

This is an amazing item and I so wish I win submitting this BLAST to Fun Stuff To Do.

Guess what I will do with the prize money, yes, go one model up once I can fly THIS beauty without incident!

Thanks for this competition FUN STUFF TO DO.


You are most welcome and thanks for your entry Grant! YAY, you did it, you're the winner!


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Thank You Fun-Stuff-To-Do
by: Grant

Grant here, your winner of the Syma helicopter entry. I just want to give you the thumbs-up and thank you so much for for my great prize.

I was completely blown away because I never thought I would win, had to try because I wanted this helicopter so bad. I dig your site and competions so much... no guessing why!

Thanks a gazillion, it was a huge surprise.

Forever a follower.

You cant BEAT the Syma Helicopter at that price
by: Anonymous

HECK oke! I wish I entered that one, the SYMA HELICOPTER is my favorite and then you go and splash the entry on Facebook! Listen dude I want half the prize money you win for introducing you to MY helicopter!
Still digg you a mil.
Your best pal Al.

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