by Sky
(Norfolk VA)
Learn how to do archery
Learn how to spearfish (or even just snorkeling is fun)
Go take a smooth ride on a beach cruiser
Various games of all kind including throwing a ball into something ;)
Find someones yard with a trampoline, and just go for it {lol}
Learn how to fix something somewhere like on a car, drain, cabinet, etc.
Get a new pet of some sort..go to the pet store you might find a little creature you'll grow to love
Look up all the local plants, you will feel better just knowing things like that I promise:)
Post something to this list!!!!!!!
Watch a multitude of "how to" videos about something that you always wanted to know
Watch humans are awesome videos on YouTube©, as well as fail compilations(always funny)
Learn how to lucid dream, or another astral project.
Play an ol game of tic tac to with somebody
Comments for Some have weird ideas - these are actually fun when bored
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