
by JJ

Some funny singing sayings:

When I'm sad I sing, then I realize my voice is worse than my problems.

It doesn't matter what age I get, I am still going to sing the ABC to see what letter is next!

Teacher: Why do I hear talking??
Clever Kid: Because you have ears and we're not singing.

My laptop has a beautiful singing voice, it's A Dell!

My voice sounds so great when I'm singing with my earphones on, then I take them off and record myself just to find I sound like a dying Walrus.

How does a soprano sing a scale? DO-RE-MI-me-me-me-me-me!

Dude you need to stop drinking! You stuffed my cat in a pillow case and ran around singing: It's a pillow, It's a pet, It's a Pillow-Pet!

What do you call a group of singing dinosaurs? A TyrannoChorus!

Singing in the shower is all fun and games until you get soap in your mouth, then it becomes a soap opera!

People talk about having an inner child, I don't, I have an inner old lady who sings inappropriate things, tells everyone to be quiet and wants to go to bed at 8pm.

What do you call a singing elf? A wrapper!

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Great Image
by: Rachel

That image is great, this is what my insides shout when I hear someone sing the wrong words, funny they always do it very confidently! Fantastic and a great site - Thanks

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