Simple Things To Do When Bored!

by Av
(London, UK )



Well I am, you guessed it, BORED! And here is my plan to break things up a bit:

1.Start jogging in the local park. It can be in the morning, the afternoon or evening and for as long as you like!

2.Join the gym. You feel pumped up and great when you walk out, again you can stay as little or long as you like. At least it's something to do.

3.Try sketching. You can use pencils or charcoals, you can sketch anything you like and that interests you, it can be portraits of people you know or celebrities you admire. You never know if you might have a hidden talent! And all the pros never got there without trying/practising!

4.Similar to the above, you could try painting. Get some blocks of canvas, small pieces aren't very expensive and try out painting whatever you like.

5.Clay modelling. You don't need a potter's wheel or a kiln to make pottery! I bought a block of DAS Air Dry Clay for £4 from an arts and crafts shop. You break off how much clay you need and can make pots, plates or figurines. You can search Youtube for tutorials on how to mould shapes. (Do note air dry clay cannot be used for making plates/cups things to put food/drink in as it will melt up in your meal).

6.Discover new music! I often go to Youtube or Spotify and search bands I saw a poster of outside to see if I like them. Or dig up all your old childhood favourites!

7.Go to a new area. Go out there and venture to an area that you haven't been to before! This could be as local or as far as you like. You might end up finding some nice coffee shops or other spots not too far from you!

8.Have a look at online clothes stores to see the latest styles and see if it inspires you to experiment with your look.

9.Go to a bookshop and look for something you could see yourself reading - something educational that will leave you that bit wiser or something fictional that will entertain you!

10.Look up all the movies your favourite actor/actress is in and see if there's one you haven't seen yet! Then read reviews of it after and see if you agree with others' opinions of the film!

11.If you haven't got a job, try asking for work at a place that wouldn't be first on your list - something random and see if you like it! E.g If like me, you are used to office work, try asking for work in a busy social place like a shop/cafe where you can get talking to people!

12.Volunteer at the soup kitchen if you have a soft spot for those less fortunate. You will be like an angel to the workers there who can always use a hand!

13.If you are a girl, experiment with new make up looks and check out Youtube for tutorials on any look you like and aren't sure how to achieve!

14.If you collect records, go out to a record shop to buy them instead of shopping online!

15.Go to a market - those normally take the day up

16. Most of all make sure you go to sleep at a good time, wake up at a good time and eat well. Take care of yourself! And be kind to whoever you can :)

Now it's your turn, post a comment, tell me what you do when you are bored...

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