Scalloped Edge Drawstring Box

by Fun Stuff To Do

Drawstring Box Template

Drawstring Box Template

The scalloped edge draw string box is one of the easiest gift or favor packing boxes available. No glue, no tape, just cut, fold on dotted lines, make three holes in the corners as indicated, place content in the center, thread ribbon or string through, pull together, make a bow and you are done.

The scalloped edge is perfect for Christmas decorations, it will look like a little Christmas Tree using Christmas themed card stock. To make the scalloped edge cutting easier for yourself you can cut it with a scalloped edge paper scissor available from most stationers and craft suppliers - not expensive :-)

Use it as cute little boxes to hang on your Christmas tree, filled with treats and surprises. Enlarge the template to A3 on a photocopier for larger boxes.

The beauty of this box is you can cut triangular windows in on the side with a craft knife, glue a piece of cellophane over the window on the inside to make treats or gifts visible.

You can also cut the scalloped edges straight and fold the edges to the inside of the box if it is too much for you to cut all the scallops out - view the picture above to see how it will look.

To print the template:


Comments for Scalloped Edge Drawstring Box

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Really Good
by: Lucinda

It is very hard to find a website that has great free templates. Make sure you have enough time to cut each scallop though. Thank you so much for all the free goodies on your website.

Scalloped edge drawstring box template
by: SueT

This is really cool. I enlarged it and used it to hold a small potted plant and let the tendrils flow out through the opening.

Fun Stuff To Do:

Very cool idea! Never thought of it. Please show it off at Your Fun Ideas! We love creative people!

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