Scalloped Cupcake Sleeve Template

by Fun STuff To Do

Cupcake Sleeve Template

Cupcake Sleeve Template

Cupcake sleeves to dress your cupcakes up. Use the template to cut the sleeves from paper or card stock that will suite your theme.

There are two cupcake sleeve templates in the free download - small and large, both with a scalloped edge.

To print the templates:


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une petite idée...
by: lemondedis

merci encore pour le partage de vos idées et modèles : ils sont vraiment jolis et très bien faits !
nous nous ferons un plaisir de les "relayer" pour les diffuser plus largement en France (avec un lien vers votre site, bien entendu !)
je vous fais quand même une petite suggestion : il serait intéressant de proposer, en plus, vos templates en "contours" (c'est à dire sans "remplissage", uniquement le tracé des bords) : imprimer toute la surface demande (inutilement, à mon avis) beaucoup d'encre, et, surtout, cela permettrait d'imprimer (au recto ou au verso, selon le cas) le modèle directement sur le papier que l'on désire utiliser avant de le découper !
merci encore et continuez à nous proposer de jolies choses...
Is & Reg (pour "le Monde d'Is)


an idea ...
thank you again for sharing your ideas and models: they are really pretty and very well done!
We look forward to "relay" for further distribution in France (with a link to your site, of course!)
I have a little suggestion: it would be interesting to propose, in addition, your templates in "contours" (ie without "filling", only the outline of the edges): print the entire surface application (unnecessarily, in my opinion) a lot of ink, and, more importantly, it would be printed (front or back, as appropriate) the model directly on the paper that they want to use before cutting!
thank you again and continue to offer us pretty things ...
Is Reg & (for "World of Is)

Fun Stuff To Do Writes:
Thank you very much for that idea, I will definitely keep that in mind in future.

by: Anonymous

What is the point of giving away a "template" if we cannot open it and edit it, or add our own images, to it?

From Fun Stuff To Do:

Unfortunately our templates are not for re-publishing.

If you use it for personal use which is the reason we make these templates available, then you print and cut the template out and use it as an actual "template" on whichever paper you have bought or created yourself. You are free to create your own paper with any images you choose.

Hope that explains the purpose of the templates.

Fun Regards,
The Fun Stuff Team

Password Request
by: loise

I would like to ask for your password i can't open your pdf files of these templates i need password.... Thank You!!


Hi Loise,

You do not need a password to open and print the pfd.

Simply click on the pdf link and wait for the pdf file to download, then print the template and use as desire.

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