How Did I Get Here...prank on kids

by Gioia
(Portland, OR)

After the kids had gone to sleep, I CAREFULLY lifted them out of their beds and switched them. The next morning they each woke up in another bed and wondered how they got there!

I had read this prank online but had to wait a WHOLE YEAR to pull it as we were staying at a hotel that April Fools. It took a lot of resolve not to tell anyone in my family that year.

It was great.

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by: Anonymous

That is very funny! How would the kids not wake up while you were carrying them?

Thanksgiving prank
by: lol

So my sister thought to make a cake for thanksgiving and before she put the cake in the oven I put a few small baby tomatoes and other tiny ingredients into the dough. When the cake was done, ready to eat, she put the cake out, cutting it was hilarious she just started started to yell!

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