Gingerbread Man

by Fun Stuff To Do

Gingerbread Man Template

Gingerbread Man Template

A cute gingerbread man template to use as a pattern to make gingerbread men biscuits with. Make Christmas decorations with it, make fun cards and invitations with it or use in the classroom as an easy craft for kids.

The fun part of this template as with all templates, is to DECORATE it!

Decide whether it's going to be a biscuit or a card, either way you have to draw a face on it.

If it's a biscuit, then icing and candy will do.
If it's a card or christmas tree decoration, use light brown card stock for the gingerbread man template and add some fun buttons and cute bows in bright colors.

To hang, make a small hole at the top and attach a piece of ribbon or string. If you are baking the gingerbread men and you want to hang the biscuits on a Christmas tree or elsewhere, remember to make a little hole in the dough with a drinking straw before placing it in the oven to bake.

To print this template:

Right click on the picture and choose print or save to your computer



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Santa arrived with a GINGERBREAD MAN
by: Marge

Santa Clause is CO..MING to town! I've been trying to draw one of these gingerbread man patterns for a week, what a disaster. Thank you so much for this one. The bows.. I don't know.. but I am going to try them on the cards!

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