by Bongo
Funny Skinny Person Saying
I'm not fat I'm just over-flowing with awesomeness.
I'm not fat I'm just swollen.
I'm too fat to skinny dip so I chunky dunk.
My six-pack is so precious I protect it with a layer of fat.
I'm not fat I'm a few inches too short.
I'm as bored as a fat person without food.
My wife is not fat either, she is a nutritional overachiever.
Why is America the only country where poor people are fat?
Never be afraid of a few extra pounds, fat people are harder to kidnap!
Cautious Husband: You're not fat! Only easy to see!
I totally avoid things that make me fat, like scales, mirrors and photographs!
I'm fat but identify as skinny, I'm trans-slender.
Unless I sit on you, my weight is not your issue - burn!
If everything in life was only as easy and tasty as getting fat! - SIGH
If Monday was a girl, she would be that fat girl who tells the teacher when you cheat.
You are so fat I bet your food goes "heeeeeeeee" when it has to ride out all those rolls like a roller coaster!
I'm fat because a tiny little body can't store all this personality!
Every time I lose the weight, if finds me, and brings friends.
If you are overweight I just want to say this to you: "Beauty isn't measured in pounds, and weight does not dictate your worth. Fat is not worse than ‘vindictive’, ‘jealous’, ‘shallow’, ‘vain’, ‘boring’, ‘artificial’ or ‘cruel’!! It is however a health concern and you need to take good care of you.
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