Fun stuff to do in summer

by Renny

Fun Stuff To Do When Bored

Fun Stuff To Do When Bored

Here are some really cool stuff to do this summer. Some of these things have been on your to-do-list forever... and then you forget. Others may be old but fun and others you may not even have thought of.

The whole idea of this list is not to do what I want to do, but to create your own list. Yes, take a large piece of paper and create a whole lot of tick boxes, then start writing your fun ideas of what to do this summer in. Be creative and use different colors, handwriting styles and more. Make it colorful and stick it up somewhere where you will see it a lot.

This will:

A. Remind you to have fun and do different things

B. Help you to keep track of how little/much you do

Whenever you need something to do in a jiffy or with a friend, just check out your list.

Here are some ideas:

1. Go to the beach or the park

2. Build a sandcastle or make mud pies

3. Catch Fireflies

4. Eat Snowcones

5. Make Lemonade

6. Pick Blueberries

7. Pick Blackberries

8. Go Swimming

9. Grow a garden {vegetable or flower}

10. Atttend vacation Bible School

11. Make Blackberry Cheesecake | Blueberry Muffins

12. Make homemade cookies

13. Go on a Picnic

14. Watch 4th of July Fireworks

15. Play in sprinklers

16. Camp out!

17. Play on Slip 'n Slide

18. Make homemade ice-cream

19. Eat watermelon outside ~ rub each other with sticky peels

20. Build a fire, make s'mores

21. Blow dandilions

22. Go fishing

23. Weekly family movie night

24. Make homemade salsa with nachos

25. Eat frozen custard

26. Eat strawberry shortcake

27. Weekly family game night

28. Go on a hike

29. Make clover masks and crowns or an owl mask

30. Go bowling

31. Make popsickles

32. Have friends over for a cookout

33. Visit the Library

34. Fly kites

35. Play hopscotch

36. Catch Bugs

37. Catch Frogs

38. Play croquet

39. Make homemade play dough

40. Puppet Show

41. Play card games

42. Build an indoor fort or tent

43. Throw frisbees

44. Make homemade sidewalk chalk ~ have fun drawing a sidewalk mural

45. Farmer's Market

46. Fold and fly paper airplanes

47. Play cornhole


49. Have a watermelon seed spitting contest

50. Make homemade bulle wands and bubbles to blow

51. Watch a sports match

52. Make root beer or a coke float

53. Watch the clouds

54. Dance in the rain

55. Go to a baseball | football game

56. Visit a museum

57. Track the moon phases

58. Make a birdfeeder

59. Create a new sandwich recipe

60. Play with water balloons

61. See a family movie at the theatre

62. Build a birdhouse

63. Create a new PIZZA recipe!

64. Ride bikes as a family

65. WEENIE Roast - open fire

66. Make trail mix

67. Fondue dinner

68. Watergun fight

69. Have a mid summer night celebration

70. Make a flag out of painted rocks

71. Treasure hunt {at the beach}

72. Scavenger hunt {in the back garden}

73. Piggy back rides

74. Make a sundial

75. Listen to music, make a cd

76. Draw or paint flowers from our yard

77. Popcorn {for dinner}

78. Read Stuart Little

79. Read Narnia

80. Read Fairy tales

81. Watch Cartoons under a cozy blanket

82. Wash the cars | bicyles

83. Go on a boat ride

84. Make fun science projects {volcano}

85. Watch birds and learn 3 bird calls

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Nice topic and post
by: Jennifer

Thanks for all your great posts. Really enjoy browsing through your website. There is a lot to do that can be real fun.

by: Harry Turner

Thank you for sharing all these ideas, I will definitely try this one.

by: Arya

The fun stuff ideas that can be done in summer explained here on the webpage are really interesting. I am so happy that you guys are coming up with many fun ideas that can be done very easily. Keep up the good work.

by: Maggie

I like this alot! I have completely forgotten about a couple of things on here that I have always wanted to do. Thanx.

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