Fries Box Template

by Fun Stuff To Do

Fries - Chips Box Template

Fries - Chips Box Template

Serving "Fries" or in some countries called "Chips" and looking for a template to create a real take-out type fries / chips box or packet that you can decorate to hearts content?

You can make them look very nice when you create your own and use some of the good looking gloss type card stocks' available.

This must be one of the easiest fast food or take-away containers to create, you simply cut out of pretty card stock and glue. If you want to jazz them up a bit you can even add a pretty label.

To print the template:

Right click on the picture and choose print or save to your computer



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Thanks for template
by: Rake

Hey, this is cool. It can be used as a snack box at home while we have a movie day or some small parties. Thanks for sharing the template and I would love to get other templates of take away boxes.

Hooray A Fries Box Template
by: Megan

Hooray to you! I've been meaning to do this for ages, create a template for this, now you've done it! Thank you! This is lovely, my friends are having FRIES out of MY (YOUR) fries boxes this weekend! This is going to be HOMEMADE take-out at its best! Goodness you are so generous to share all of these in one place with us. Thanks a million.

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