Easy Crafts for Kids - Project 12
African or Geometric Prints with Eraser Stamps
In Easy Crafts for Kids 12 we explore a technique called: ERASER PRINTING
In this project we show you how easily you can make great Geometric or African prints on paper.
We learn to print on paper which makes this project a Paper Craft. This technique can also be used on fabric with fabric paint.

The prints in the picture above were built up using erasers cut into different shapes.
Paper or fabric, an eraser, craft knife, sponge cloth, acrylic or fabric paint.
A creative mind, time, patience and a few cups of coffee or tea.
If you are too young to handle a craft knife, ask someone older to cut the patterns into the erasers for you.
Use this Easy crafts for Kids technique to make Valentine's, Birthday, Christmas, Mother's or Father's Day cards or gift wrapping paper!
Once confident with this technique, print a T-shirt, table cloth or cheap dress with beautiful patterns on!
Textured Paper for more creative ideas if you are working on paper and Potato Printing if you like to print on fabrics.
Geometric Shapes, Patterns and Sequences and Geometric Shapes to Print are great resources for inspiration and ideas that will super charge your creativity for any printing project.

- Use a craft knife to cut a long eraser in half. Then, cut one half of the piece of eraser in half lengthways.
- Draw sets of parallel lines along one of the smaller eraser pieces. Then, holding the knife at an angle, make a clean cut along one line.
- Turn the eraser around and cut along the other side of the line at an angle to make a groove. Cut the other line in the same way.

- Cut the corners off the larger piece of eraser to make a triangle. Draw four sets of lines on it, then cut along them as before.
- Push a map pin or an ordinary pin into the back of both pieces of eraser. This makes them easy to hold when you are printing.
- Wet a piece of sponge cloth, then squeeze out as much water as you can. Spread acrylic paint on it with the back of a spoon.

- Press the first eraser into the paint, then onto some paper. Press it in the paint again before you make another print.
- Then do a triangle print above each set of line prints. Repeat these rows of prints several times on your paper.
- Cut a small square of eraser and print it between each triangle. Then, cut a line across another square of eraser and print it on top of the small square.
If you enjoyed 'Eraser Printing' from 'Easy Crafts For Kids' you may also like Potato Printing!
You can easily combine these methods of printing for stunning results!
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