Diaper Template

by Fun Stuff To Do

Diaper Template

Diaper Template

The diaper template is so versatile, use it to make cards for welcoming new babies or use it for baby shower invitations:

It can be used as an envelope, place a rectangular card inside or use as is and glue or write your invitation or welcome message inside.

This is the one time when tape on the outside of a card will look appropriate - use it to close the tabs when done on the inside, it will look like a real throw-away type diaper. Party stores often carry diaper pin table confetti, you can glue two of these on the outside of the tab if you want to achieve the cloth diaper look.

The tabs of the card can be adjusted, you can choose to cut the tabs of your template with more of a point outwards or with scalloped scissors to make it look pretty.

To print the daiper template:

Right click on the picture and choose print or save to your computer



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Enter text on template
by: Anonymous

How can I enter text on the diaper template such as rules for diaper games at a shower?

From FunStuff

The PDF templates are unfortunately only good to print and can not be edited since they are password protected. I would print the diaper template on colored or patterned card stock. Cut out, then create pretty labels with the instructions printed on, then glue the labels to the inside of the diaper.

We have tutorials to adjust size and print text on labels in Microsoft Word, towards the end of this page here (click this link).

Another alternative is to use this free online photo editor (click this link). You can open your own labels in this editor and edit or add text on them or you can create new labels in this program.

To do this in the above editor, click the link above and the program will open. Look toward the top of the page, select "Design", then select the blank canvas size of your choice and use the overlays (butterfly icon) in the left column to create a new label - you will have to scroll down the list that opens up to "labels", select one, change color if desired, add text using the text block (icon marked Tt), also in the left column. Save to your computer and print.

Hope that is helpful!

PS: The diaper template will soon be converted to an editable document, I will post here when it is done.

Exactly what I have been looking for
by: Deebi

I have an up coming Meet & Greet baby shower for my 1st grandson, who will be 3 - 3 1/2 months! I love the idea of a blue diaper as an invitation for about 30 family and friends! This fits the bill. For some reason the link does not print correctly. I am copy, pasting and enlarging as much as I can. Hoping it will work out! Thanks!

From: Fun Stuff To Do

Thanking you for your submission. The download link for the pdf version is further along the page. Simply open the file and print this onto your color choice of card stock, then cut and glue. No need to resize the actual image on the page.

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