Aluminium or Soda Can Fun

by Edwina Leal
(Roswell, New Mexico, USA)

Soda Can Lantern

Soda Can Lantern

Go for a walk and pick up aluminium cans for recycling. You get exercise and can make a little cash from recycling!

Other uses for aluminium cans:

  1. Protect young seedlings from cutworms and other insects in the ground when planting. Cut the top and bottom of the tin can off. Insert the seedlings in the tin can before planting to form a barrier in the ground to protect the roots.

  2. Use for embossing. Cut the top and bottom lid off. Cut the remainder open lengthwise. Create a pattern and emboss on the shiny side. See how!

  3. Make recycled soda can lanterns.

  4. Make shiny garden butterflies. See thumbnail images at top. Click on image to enlarge.

  5. Make dragonflies with shiny soda can wings and beads.

  6. Make gift boxes. Emboss and find many templates and gift box patterns here!

    Tell us what you make, create or do with your aluminium or soda cans (that's fun to do off course)...

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by: Anonymous

Hi - I just found your site through Pinterest and I'm wondering where the directions are to make the aluminum can dragonfly or butterfly? Thanks!

From Fun-stuff-to-do

Those are just ideas. You can use any image from a coloring book and follow the same instructions in the main post.

Good post
by: Mrs. Fernando Oberbrunner

Hi! Thanks for your great articles!

Good post
by: Natalia Shanahan

Hello! Your site is great!

by: Veronica

That is really cool I wish I had thought Of that!!!! I am going to do that at my party.

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