More Seriously Funny Questions with Answers to broaden your
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- If it takes 8 men 4 hours to build a wall, how long will it take 4 men to build it?
No time, it's already built!
- What do you call a dinosaur that smashes everything in its path?
Tyrannosaurus wrecks.
- How do you make a hot dog stand?
Steal its chair.
- How do you make an egg laugh?
Tell it a yolk. 5 STAR Funny Question!
- How do you go without sleep for 8 days?
You sleep at night.
- What bird can lift the most?
A crane.
- What bone will a dog never eat?
A trombone.
- What do you get when you cross a stream and a brook?
Wet feet.
- What has a lot of keys but can not open any doors?
A piano.
- If you throw a grey stone into the red sea what will it become?
- What do you get when you cross poison ivy with a 4-leaf clover?
A rash of good luck.
- What has 6 eyes but can't see?
3 blind mice.
- What has one horn and gives milk?
A milk truck.
- What happens when frogs park illegally?
They get toad.
- What do you call a song sung in an automobile?
A cartoon.
- What is a tree's favorite drink?
Root beer.
- How many wives does Buddhism allow?
As many as your tolerance for misery can bear.
- What do you get if you cross an elephant and a kangaroo?
Big holes all over Australia!
- What do you get if you cross an insect with the Easter rabbit?
Bugs Bunny. 5 Star Funny Question!
- What do you do when your chair breaks?
Call a chairman.
- Why did the doughnut shop close?
The owner got tired of the (w)hole business!
- What's gray, eats fish, and lives in Washington, D.C.?
The Presidential Seal.
- What's round and bad-tempered?
A vicious circle.
- If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?
- Where did the farmer take the pigs on Saturday afternoon?
He took them to a pignic.
- What kind of eggs does a wicked chicken lay?
Deviled eggs.
- What kind of cats like to go bowling?
Alley cats.
- What do you call a country where everyone has to drive a red car?
A red carnation.
- What do you call a country where everyone has to drive a pink car?
A pink car-nation.
- If you are so nice, why aren't you married?
I'm not single my wife just doesn't know who I am yet!
- What's green and loud?
A froghorn.
- What would the country be called if everyone in it lived in their cars?
An in-car-nation.
- What kind of ties can't you wear?
Railroad ties.
- What do you get when you cross poison ivy with a 4-leaf clover?
A rash of good luck.
- How can you get four suits for a dollar?
Buy a deck of cards.
- How do you prevent a Summer cold?
Catch it in the Winter!
- How does a pig go to hospital?
In a hambulance.
- What country makes you shiver?
- What did one elevator say to the other?
I think I'm coming down with something!
- What can you hold without ever touching it?
A conversation.
- What clothes does a house wear?
- How do you know if a guy is in love?
He loses interest in his car for a few days.
- What did one magnet say to the other?
I find you very attractive.
- What did the mother broom say to the baby broom?
It's time to go to sweep. 5 STAR Funny Question!
- What do you call a calf after it's six months old?
Seven months old.
- What did the rug say to the floor?
Don't move, I've got you covered.
- What do you call a guy who's born in Columbus, grows up in Cleveland, and then dies in Cincinnati?
- How do you know the American Government DID strive to do it bigger and better?
When they pay $3 000 000 000 for a 10 year survey which concludes that 3/4 of the people in America make up 75% of the population!
- What did the necktie say to the hat?
You go on ahead. I'll hang around for a while.
- Why does the Easter Bunny have a shiny nose?
His powder puff is on the wrong end.
- What do you get if you cross a chicken with a cement mixer?
A brick layer!
- How do you know the world is going crazy?
The best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy and the tallest guy in the National Basketball team is Chinese!
- Why was Cinderella thrown off the basketball team?
She ran away from the ball.
- What do you call a pig that does karate?
A pork chop.
- How do dinosaurs pay their bills?
With Tyrannosaurus checks.
- What do you call a dinosaur that wears a cowboy hat and boots?
Tyrannosaurus Tex.
- What is the best thing to do if you find a gorilla in your bed?
Sleep somewhere else.
- What does the latest label on HP Laptops say?
Intel inside ... Fool outside!
- What would Adam say to Eve this day?
Lead me not into temptation. I can find it myself. 5 STAR Funny Question!
- What happens to those who live by the sword these days?
They get shot by those who dont.
- What do you get when you fry beans and onions together?
Tear gas.
- How do you find an Irish pirate?
He is the one with patches over both eyes.
- What does one bucket of vomit say to the other while they walk down the street?
That's where I was brought up!
Hope you had fun and enjoy the next funny questions to ask!
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